Today has been a hard day, very hard!
At work almost all my patients have been seriously ill, and some of them will not see the light of dawn.
At home, the atmosphere is sharp, last night we had a silly argument, and we still have not resolved it. So I have decided to go for a walk in the woods, before going home.
I have started walking aimlessly. The air blows softly, and moves the leaves of the trees to its beat. The last reddish rays of the sun, intrude between the branches. My thoughts tangle, and I don’t know how to calm them down.
Suddenly, I look up, and there it is. I have never seen one so beautiful, I couldn’t stop looking at it. And hypnotic for its power of attraction. I am slowly approaching, and little by little I feel an inexplicable calm, which makes me relax my body. I feel how he embraces me, permeates me, and fills me with his power, his aroma, his Light.
Yes, it is the Green-Emerald Ray of Light, which with the force of its vibration, is soaking my Being, clarifying my thoughts, calming my emotions, and filling me with serenity, peace and joy.
Yes, the Green-Emerald Ray of Light has always been my ally and companion, on the stony path that I have lived. But lately, with so much coming and going, so much work, and so many activities in which I participate, I had put it aside, parked in I don’t know where. And NO, I will not do it again, I will not forget about you again, otherwise, I will enter a hurricane of meaningless activity that will steal my humanity, my Being and my essence.